

Your Lipid Profile MATTERS!

  • July 22, 2019
Lab Testing API

Written by Carrie Company 

When we look at and understand the numbers on our lipid profile, we can act and make better decisions about our health. But what is included in a lipid profile and what does it mean? 

Total Cholesterol – The goal is to have your total cholesterol under 200 mg/dL. Cholesterol is a soft, waxy fat that your body needs to function. However, too much can lead to heart disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis. 

HDL – The good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) that is believed to transport excess cholesterol out of the blood and to the liver for disposal. 

LDL – The bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) that transports cholesterol from the liver and into tissues and organs. 

Triglycerides – The most common fat in the body, comprised of sugar and fatty acids. All the excess calories you consume, are converted to triglycerides and stored in your fatty tissues. 


What can I do NOW to improve my lipid profile and my health? … the BIG three! 
  1. Quit smoking tobacco and limit alcohol consumption.
  2. Eat a well-balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, whole-grain, and lean protein. 
  3. Exercise regularly. Try to get 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week.
Foods to AVOID if you are trying to improve your lipids: 
  1. Alcohol 2. Sugar sweetened beverages 
  2. Pastries and donuts 
  3. Cookies, cakes, and pie 
  4. Ice Cream 
  5. Fruit Juices and sweet tea 
  6. White pasta and potatoes 
  7. White breads and processed grains 
  8. Flavored yogurts 

You can learn more about Carrie Company at Wellness Data Solutions


Desirable Cholesterol Levels2
Total cholesterol Less than 200 mg/dL
LDL (“bad” cholesterol) Less than 100 mg/dL
HDL (“good” cholesterol) 60 mg/dL or higher
Triglycerides Less than 150 mg/dL

Table source from here: https://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/data_statistics/fact_sheets/fs_cholesterol.htm