Written by Nikki Burnett MS CNTP MNT
Many of us grow up with the expectation of having a family. When the time comes, and pregnancy becomes difficult, there are a million things that may go through one’s head. With the vast amount of information in the world regarding all facets of health and wellness, understanding fertility can be daunting. We are all unique and there is no one size fits all solution. Here, we will discuss general guidelines, but it is important to seek guidance from a professional who will treat you as the unique individual you are.
Food – it is the foundation for life. It is communication for our cells and our DNA. Eating clean food creates a clean line of communication to our cells and DNA. Foods full of toxins create a broken line of communication and our bodies become confused. Over time, there is enough confusion that the body sends out warning signals called a cell danger response. Inflammation begins and our bodies begin “telling” us there is a problem with signs and symptoms of “dis-ease”. Our bodies are “speaking” to us, but we push it off as age, genetics, or bad luck. Clean food not only creates health for our bodies but also for the little bodies we are trying to create. Mom and dad’s genetics are passed down and a healthy lifestyle will create the genetic potential necessary for a healthy baby to become a healthy adult. But an unhealthy lifestyle can change the genetic potential creating situations that may be less than ideal for our children and even our children’s children.
Pesticides and herbicides are a major factor in toxic burden and hormone disruption – which can play a major role in fertility. These chemicals are called xenoestrogens. They are estrogen mimickers that bind to estrogen receptor sites and don’t allow natural estrogens to work. Also, certain epigenetic markers may not allow for proper detoxification and elimination of estrogens, so they continue to build with the potential of damaging DNA. If buying all organic is not an option, visit the Environmental Working Group (https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/) and check out their Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen. Remember, these chemicals can’t be washed off. They are in the soil and are taken up into every cell. Minimizing intake is key to good health, fertility, and healthy babies.
Omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish can help reduce inflammation which can promote fertilization and implantation. Research also suggests that a lifestyle high in omega-3 fatty acids can help regulate ovulation, improve egg quality, and potentially delay ovarian aging. Unfortunately, our oceans are quite polluted but there are a few fish considered safe. When looking for the right fish, think SMASH – salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and herring. If supplementation is a better option, be sure to purchase a high-quality supplement. Cheap fish oil has the potential of creating more inflammation, damage, and oxidation.
Healthy fats are important for cellular function as well as hormone production. Healthy fats include coconut oil, olive oil (not for cooking), avocados and avocado oil (for cooking), pasture raised butter and ghee (raw if possible), pasture raised tallow and lard. Remember, these are general guidelines. Know your body before consuming dairy of any kind.
Foods rich in vitamin E are critical for many hormones and proper functioning of the endocrine system and it is a potent antioxidant. Good sources include nuts, seeds, and fish.
Vitamin C helps trigger ovulation in women and can increase sperm count in men. Great sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, kiwi, guava, red peppers, and kale.
Folate is crucial and helps the body build new cells and prevent birth defects. Folate is highly bioavailable through fresh, leafy greens. We are often told that folic acid is necessary, but it is not a natural nutrient and can block natural folate receptors. This can cause problems for many women, specifically women with the MTHFR mutation. If looking for a good prenatal, be sure it includes folate, not folic acid.
Taking the time to balance your body with real, whole food, movement, sleep, and stress reduction, increases your chance of conception as well as carrying and delivering a healthy, happy baby.
Nikki Burnett MS CNTP MNT – Taste Life Nutrition – www.tastelifenutrition.com
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