Sugar, Sugar, and More Sugar. Just like drugs, sugar is not good for us. Because it can be pretty hard for most of us to cut out sugar, it may be helpful to comprehend why sugar is a villain in our diet and needs to be cast-off.
From Medical News Today (June 2019), it is important to understand that sugar from fruit metabolized differently than added or processed sugars. Although fruit does contain natural sugar, it also contains vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytochemicals, and water. In general, even the sweetest fruits contain less sugar than those foods with added sugar. Fruit also contains two types of sugar, fructose, and glucose. Glucose raises blood sugar, so the body must release insulin to metabolize it. However, fructose does not raise blood sugar. Instead, the liver breaks it down.
When sugars are added to foods it undergoes processing and it is oftentimes overused as an additive for tastes and preservation. Research consistently links refined and added sugar to higher risks of health conditions.
Keep in mind that whole fresh fruit is always a better choice than packaged, canned, dried, or processed fruits where manufacturers tend to add sweeteners and preservatives. When whole fresh fruit is used as a replacement for manufactured sweet snacks, people tend to eat fewer calories and less sugar.
Written By Carrie Company