

Re-Inventing Yourself

  • Mar 20, 2025
Lab Health test

Article By Kia Sanford As we move into Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere, now is usually the time we move from extroversion to introversion, from energy expanding outward to a more contemplative way of being in the world. I like to think of this transition as a time to think about the intentions we  [Read More…]

immunization recommendations

Written by Carrie Company What is health empowerment? A process through which you gain greater control over the decisions affecting your life and health. We should feel empowered, so we take responsibility for our health, lifestyle choices and follow a healthy lifestyle. Those of us who are empowered and engaged in our own self-care tend  [Read More…]

womens wellness checkup

Written by Carrie Company Smoking – The evidence is clear. Smoking is the single worst thing you can do to your body! Consuming Sugar – consuming sugar leads to hypertension, weight gain, diabetes, and tooth decay. Aim for 20-25 grams of added sugar per day. Ignoring A Treatable Disease – With diabetes, high blood pressure  [Read More…]

Engage 180

Written by Carrie Company If you are serious about setting goals, make them SMART. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, accountable, realistic and timely. Let’s set just one goal for a healthier self. People are always looking for a quick fix, but when a quick fix lacks direction and an understanding of  [Read More…]

Engage 180

Written by Carrie Company How to actually conquer your health-related goals! Step 1: What is your SMART health-related goal? Remember, let’s focus on one goal at a time and make it specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and time focused. (An example: I want to reduce the number of sodas I drink each day to one within  [Read More…]

Metabolic Syndrome Blood Check

Written by Carrie Company  Five Reasons to get a Metabolic Syndrome Blood Check You may have Metabolic Syndrome and don’t know it. The metabolic syndrome risk factors are insidious. Risk factors slowly increase, often without any symptoms. In multiple studies, up to 15% of people. Had Metabolic Syndrome and did not know it. Up to  [Read More…]

Lab Testing API

Written by Carrie Company  When we look at and understand the numbers on our lipid profile, we can act and make better decisions about our health. But what is included in a lipid profile and what does it mean?  Total Cholesterol – The goal is to have your total cholesterol under 200 mg/dL. Cholesterol is  [Read More…]


Here at Lab Testing API we believe that we should help empower all of our customers to be their own health advocates. A health advocate improves, maintains and manages healthcare of an individual. The information is now there for customers to access so that you can better understand the numbers that you need to be  [Read More…]

Cancer Treatment Plan

Written By:  Todd Robinson, N.D. Every day I consult with and advise clients on how they can integrate natural medicine into their cancer treatment plans.  In doing this work, I’ve seen firsthand how little the average medical oncologist discusses topics like diet, nutritional supplements, and botanical medicines with their patients.  In fact, the research suggests  [Read More…]

Vitamin D | LTA

Written by Lesley Herrmann, MSc., CNC If you’re starting to feel a little gloomy it may be time to check your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because our bodies can synthesize it through a reaction that occurs when UVB rays interact with our skin. When sunlight strikes the skin,  [Read More…]